Monday, December 28, 2009

Decorating cookies for Santa!

Arailia had a blast decorating cookies for Santa! Auntie brit helped too which made it even more fun! She loved eating the frosting which she thought she couldnt eat it! She was so excited that the cookies were going to Santa!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

More snow fun!

Arailia and her "MUNO"!!


My Beautiful Girl!

Arailia is loving the snow! She is out in it everytime she gets the chance! (She had some chocolate on her face too!)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Preschool Christmas party!

Today at preschool we had our Christmas party! We had alot of fun! We sang alot of Christmas songs, made a dancing santa, decorated cookies, and watched the Grinch cartoon! The kids had alot of fun and boy did they keep us busy! I love the kids and love being able to hang out with my friend three days a week! Its so much fun!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Party with Grandma and Grandpa!

Last night Lee and Judy had all the cousins over for a Christmas Party! So Arailia got to play with Brooke, and Olivia! Judy and Sam came to pick up rae! She was like a kitty in the window! She was saying, "Grandma where are you"! Finally we saw Sam and Judy pull up and Rae ran to the door! Judy had planned some way cute activities for the girls to do! Oh yes and did I mention that the parents wernt allowed till later! It was so weird to be the only one at home! Then we went to go pick her up at their house! When we got there, The girls were running around and having so much fun together! Judy had made them an apron with their name on it! I loved it! And a Santa hat!They made cookies with grandma, colored Christmas pictures, and then my favorite,the girls made a special frame that said Santa's Helper on it! They printed a picture of her that night wearing her apron and Santa hat! I love the frame so much because Judy let them personalize it and it was so cute! Rae had put a candy cane upside down and her Christmas tree sideways but meant so much more to me just knowing that she did it all by herself! Arailia came home and told Seth all about her Christmas party! Thanks Judy and Lee for having the girls come over! They had a blast!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Exciting News!!!!!!!!!!

This morning my anut Faith had a doctor's app. to find out if she was having a girl or a boy! Well she found out and I am going to have a cute little boy cousin! Faith and I are a little over a month apart which has been really fun! I love being pregnant with someone that I can baby talk to! Its been fun and I cant wait to meet him! Congrats to Faith and Max!


Last night I found Rae in her blow up duck! She had been watching super why on her ipod! She had a cozy little bed she had made for herself with a pillow and blanket! She saw me snapping pictures and asked me for some dinner! So she ate her dinner in her duckie and watched her show!

Playing in the snow!

Arailia has wanted to play in the snow so bad and every chance she gets she will play in it! the other night we were waiting for my parents and Jake to come over and she asked me if we could go outside! She even said "Mom I sit down"! So she went out there and started to play in it! I would only let her play with it without getting too wet! She asked me for a bowl! I was thinking she just wanted to put the snow in it! When I gave her a bowl I asked her why she wanted it she then said, "Mom I making a castle"! So cute no need for sand she can make a snow castle!

My little helper!

Arailia loves to clean! Everyday when I am at preschool Seth and Arailia will do the dishes so that when I come home we can spend family time together! She gets the job of rinsing and putting the dishes on the drying rack! She does an awesome job! For Easter my parents got her cleaning toys such as a Rae sized broom,duster,and vacuum! Lately she will vacuum the room and say "See", like a million times making sure we saw what a great job she did! Its funny when she drags out my vacuum and says "mommy vacuum". She will either vacuum with her vacuum right beside me or she will hold onto the vacuum as I vacuum! She is really a great helper!

Rae in the kitchen!

Arailia decided one day that she would sneak into the kitchen while I was changing out the laundry! She grabbed the container of sugar and dumped it on the floor! Then she pulled out the baking powder out of the pantry! She then climbed up in the chair and dumped it all over the kitchen table! When I came in to the kitchen to find this HUGE mess I said "What in the world are you doing"? She then replied in a very excited voice," Mom look I made snow"! How could I get mad at that! She was only trying to play in snow! So it was cute after I cleaned it up and gave her a bath! You never know what she is thinking or what she will be doing if you leave her alone for one second anymore!

Playing with play dough!

Arailia loves to play with play dough! I usually make a new color every month! This month we made red play dough! She loves making things such as snowmen,food, pretty much anything that comes to her head at the time! I love seeing her imagination grow as she plays with different things! She has a blast and its fun and easy!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Future Posts..........

~ Arailia's Birthday
~ Thanksgiving
~ Seth's Birthday

Friday, December 11, 2009

We are so excited to announce....

That Arailia will be having a baby sister! We couldnt be more excited! Arailia has been talking about her baby sister ever since we found out on November 22nd! She says"Baby sister toys", and she has bought her a few little toys already! She will Kiss my stomach and say"Baby sister" and I love you sister"! I cant wait till she is born and see how much love Rae will give her! Pics of ultrasound coming soon!