Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I have a very good friend pretty much like family! Her name is Kristen Wilkerson! She is a photographer who captures the prettiest pictures! I love her work! She has taken pictures of Rae and then also I had her take Bryn's newborn pics and also family pics! I wish I could learn from her and get just a little of her talent! She is doing a free session so go on over and like her on facebook and then also to her blog and you could be the lucky person!

Monday, May 16, 2011

I asked Rae if she wanted to mop my floor in the kitchen! She said we needed the cleaning music on! And then she said " Look mom the rag even likes to dance! I swear I love my life!!!
Rae: Mom I put some rocks under my pillow so the tooth fairy can put something new under there
Me: you know your supposed to put teeth under your pillow?
Rae: Well I want all my teeth so Im putting rocks under there!
I guess I cant argue with her! I wonder if the tooth fairy will come visit her anyway :D

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cupcakes for Snack!!

I try and make something for snack most nights and of course Rae helps! She is a great helper too! She lined up all the cupcake holders, helped mix with the mixer, and even frosted and decorated her own cupcake! (yes only hers)! She used every color of sprinkles (caked up might I add) and put tons of m&m's on and a cute heart tooth pick! She had fun! It was fun spending mommy and sisi time!!!!

Love them

Even though the girls aren't actually looking at the camera (how I wanted it) I love this picture! The girls were playing and jabbering to each other! I love how they love each other so much! You can see in this pic and from others that Bryn looks up to her big sister! I love you girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(pic taken on 5/9/11)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Talkin away.....

Bryn has a few more vocabulary words...
hi dada (she will pick up a fake or real phone or even her hand up to her ear and say it)
papa.... yes my dad taught her to say his name a couple Sundays ago
Pretends to sing abc's (more like blabbering but still way cute)

April 7th

Rae:"mom can I play with my friend tomorrow"?
Me: "what friend"?
Rae: "my shadow"!!!!
Girl you are too funny and I love ya!!!!!!
(rae talking to Bryn)
"Look at my eyes..... we dont play with the shoes, ok baby"?!?


Pretty Girl!!!

Picking flowers (weeeds) for Gaga!!

the Easter Bunny overslept!

The Easter bunny overslept this year! So while the girls were in the bath the Bunny hopped over to our front yard and left us our baskets full of candy and fun! The girls got bubbles,chalk, dresses,baseball bat that looked like a carrot,a night light that lights up with a castle and princess on the ceiling! Then he left a trail of eggs to the girls room and left a movie on the bed! The girls were loaded with candy and they had so much fun!

Play Date

This was an 8 hour play date might I say! Four house at Zak's house and four at our house! Zak is the neighbor boy who rae secretly loves lol! They had so much fun playing together!

Daddy and Bryn=Love


The end table is right up against the couch. She decided it would be fun to crawl over there when she did she FROZE!!!

Coloring and Chocolate!!

After naps like a week ago I took these pics of the girls! They love to color together! I love the chocolate face Bryn has!!

Lovin' the kiddos

Picnic and playing outside! It was such a nice day better than what we were used to.... the snow!


So Bryn got her first tooth at a year and two days I believe! Now she has three altogether! Two bottom and one on the left top. she looks too big!!!!

Sleeping Beauty #2

(taken two different days)

Sleeping Beauty #1

(She's more like my kitty in the window lol)

My baby is walkin' now!!

Since Bryn was about 8 months old she would stand up and walk against the couch. She has been ready for a while now but she took her time and I did not force it! She is so cute when she walks! I am so proud yet sad that she is walking.... My baby is growing up!!!!


Tomorrow I will try my hardest to update!!!!

More of my cute baby.....

My BEAUTIFUL big girl....

enough said!!!

My BEAUTIFUL baby.....

enough said!!!