Monday, November 16, 2009

Boo at the Zoo and Halloween!

This year we went to Boo at the Zoo at Willow Park! We dressed Rae up in her costume and had so much fun! Arailia did an awesome job tossing the beab bags in the pumpkin and she had a blast going on the gymnastic pad over and over again! we saw all the animals and got candy!

On Halloween Arailia was the cutest little lady bug! We got her dressed and headed over to my parents! We waited till some trick or treaters came to the door and the headed out to get some candy! Rae loved knocking on the door and saing trick or treat! I was so proud of her saying it and saying thank you at the end! Of course the candy never ended up in her bag sge alwas wanted to eat them so I decided I wouldhold them for her! We went to a couple houses and Rae was so excited that she was running! Of course runnung ended up in falling so we had a cring ladybug so we decided to end the trick or treating! We were going to go to trunck or treat with Seth's parents but decided not to this year! We went back to my parents and Arailia answered the door everytime someone came! She would put the candy in the kids bag and then say halloween! (she didnt say the happy part) It was alot of fun and love seeing rae having a blast!

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