Saturday, May 22, 2010

MY BABY......

Brynlee turned two months today! I cant believe where the time has gone? Maybe the time has gone by with all those feedings,diaper changes and sleeping... ok maybe a little?!? We have had a blast with our little one. She has brought us so much joy to our family. She has grown so much. When she turned about a month and a half she started to be alot more alert. She is now loving to stay up and party throughout the day instead of sleeping the day away! I will miss those days when I knew that if Rae was asleep Bryn would be too. (And maybe I could catch a few zzzz's)She is starting to coo. I love it! Its not all the time but boy she is trying to talk to us so bad! I swear I caught her to smile a couple of times and no I dont think it was gas. I caught it in action when I would kiss her by her mouth. And it wasnt a huge grin just a little smirk lol! (who knows maybe I'm in crazy and she really did have gas lol)She has her two months Doc. app. on Tuesday so I'm anxious to see her stats! I love you stinker bum! Try not to grow up too fast now!!!!

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