Friday, May 28, 2010

Preschool Graduation!

Wow I cant believe that preschool ended tonight. I was lucky enough to go to graduation tonight (Thursday). I have missed it greatly. I couldnt make it to the end of March beginning of April as planned. My little princess wanted to come early! I didnt get to say my goodbye's to those cute little kids and broke my heart. So tonight I had to make it. I packed up the girls and we headed out there. It was so cute. Steph did a great job putting it all together.The kids did an awesome job and looked so cute as they performed their songs and received their diplomas. She was so sweet and got me flowers too. I had a blast working with her. I learned so many new things and LOVED hearing funny things come out of the mouths of a four year old! I will miss it SO MUCH but I am sooo greatful I get to stay home and just be a mommy... they grow up too fast wouldnt want to miss out on anything!

1 comment:

The Strawn Family said...

thanks for all of your help, it was fun to have you! You are missed for sure.