Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Is it bad I want to put my whole house in storage so I dont have to clean up every second of the day?!? Im so starting the whole "rotating out" toys! Sorry if you come over to play you get just a few toys now!!!!

My 2011 goal:
To have a big cleaning project once a month whether it be getting rid of clothes,rotating out toys,or simply just de-junking my house!!!

I admit a am bit of a HOARDER! I keep everything! I have kept all my school reports and even some of the siblings school work! Why you ask...... I have no clue. Maybe I thought I would be a teacher and need ideas or my kids would love me that I kept all the school reoprts! Well no more I am slowly but surely getting rid of EVERYTHING!!!!
Hopefully my house wont be so overwhelming to me soon! I am taking one room at a time and telling my self one room a day even though I get in the "cleaning mode"! With the girls and me with the little energy I have I am going to tackle this huge goal/project of mine!!!!
WISH ME LUCK......... I need it!!!!!!!!!!!

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