It makes me so sad and emotional when she learns something new (and of course proud at the same time) or she gets another month older! Man time flies seems like just yesterday she was in the hospital all hooked up and so TINY in the nicu! I love her and we are so BLESSED to have her in our family! She makes our home full of laughs and smiles! She is my snuggle bug and I LOVE IT! We love you so much princess!
Some of the things our princes loves to do:
-She scoots and is rocking on all for and will crawl a few tomes then drop down and scoot its faster right now
-she gets into everything (I know it will get worse as time goes on)
- loves to pick up things and eat off the floor (vacuum a million times a day)
-LOVES HER SISTER TO DEATH I swear they love eachother so much they are always laughing together and bryn watches every move Rae makes (please dont pick up on EVERYTHING)
-she loves to play with toys
-She hates baby food but LOVES table food (mac and cheese,potatoes,noodles)
-she LOVES taking a bath
-she loves her binky still
-she loves to cuddle
-SHE LOVES HER DADDY (when he comes home from work her face lights up and she claps and says dada! (So cute I wish I got that grand enrtance)
Loves to have her blanket right by her face when she sleeps (since day one) and also if you feed her her baba she has to hold onto your finger and when she falls asleep she grabs onto your shirt (since day one)
She does so many things and we are so proud of her! Just please slow down just a little!