Monday, October 26, 2009

If you havent heard!!!!!!!!!

So I am pregnant with our second baby! I am four months along and due April 12,2010! I Knew right away but wasn't ready to let ANYONE know for a while! I told my family when I was 2 1/2 months along because I was so sick and I Knew that they would be asking! It was nice that my mom new so early on because she was a huge help while I was so sick! Its so weird when I was pregnant with Rae I wasnt sick at all! Well this one I was sick for the first 11 weeks! So glad its over! I told Lee and Judy when I was three months along! I have pictures of when we told them and will post soon! I told the rest of his family on Saturday! We cant wait till November to find out if we are having another princess in the house or if we have a cute little boy! Either way way are so excited!We are very excited to add another member to our family and we feel so blessed!


The Hunters said...

Congrats to you guys! So exciting.

Hope said...

Yay! We are so excited for you! He or she will have so many other babies to play with that will be the same age.

Ryan & Brooke said...

Congratulations again Ashley! Our kids will be only a few months apart. Now if we ever saw eachother we could have playdates.

Stephanie said...

Yeah! Super exciting!